Bahamas Immigration Policies and Taxes
There are certain provisions that must be adhered to concerning the
immigration policies in the Bahamas and for those interested in Bahamas real estate.
International Homeowners
Overseas investors may acquire up to five acres of residential property in The Bahamas without prior government approval.
However, in compliance with the International Persons Act, such purchases must be recorded.
Landholding Act. Foreign homeowners are eligible for a ‘Homeowners Residence Card’, renewable annually for a small fee. This card will facilitate entry into The Bahamas and entitle the owner, his/her spouse, and minor children to enter and remain in The Bahamas for the duration of the validity of the card. An application may be made to the Director of Immigration.
Annual or Permanent Residence
Accelerated consideration of applications for annual or permanent residence will be given to major international investors and owners of residences valued at $500,000 or more.
Work Permits
If setting up a business in The Bahamas, necessary work permits for key personnel will be granted. It is advised that companies that need permits for individuals other than essential staff members speak with The Bahamas Investment Authority beforehand.
The Process
To clean the banking system from any funds generated through criminal or illegal activity, the purchase of a property by a foreign and local citizen requires the satisfaction of certain requirements:
The Verification of Transaction by Individual
- Full and Correct Name
- Full Permanent Address
- Date and Place of Birth
- Nationality
- Occupation and Name of Employer (if self-employed, the nature of the self-employment):
- Copies of the first four pages of passport
- The moneys to be provided by me are to assist in the purchase of:
- Authorization from you to obtain independent verification of any information provided:
- The source of my income or wealth is from:
10. The proposed purchase of (describe property)
11. You will be required to sign this declaration
This type of information will be asked of the potential purchaser. After all the documentation is prepared, it is then submitted with the Foreign Investment Board and Central Bank of the Bahamas for approval.
These two entities have the final approval. Their work schedule is separate from the attorneys and the realtors who have initiated and are processing all other documentation. It is not possible to determine the exact length of time these boards will take in deciding.
The Foreign Investment Board is the board that will have to approve the investment where a foreign investor is involved.